I am a Developer Technology Engineer at NVIDIA. My professional interests include in high performance computing, numerical linear algebra, and approximate computing algorithms. I recently earned my Ph.D. at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville under Jack Dongarra, in which I worked on several approaches to avoid communication in GMRES and dense LU in order to improve the performance on modern supercomputers. I earned my B.A. degree in Math and Computer Science at Saint John’s University in Minnesota. As a member of the Collegeville research group, I did research in high performance sparse linear algebra, including exploring the use of mixed precision and testing the Julia programing language in an distributed context.
My hobbies include programming, rowing and board games. My hobby programming spans a variety of small projects, primarily involving Common Lisp. The most notable of these projects is the SLIMA plugin for Pulsar, which enables interactive Common Lisp development in Pulsar.